Well, it seems like the events in the years afterwards, have forced you to basically retract on the False Start thing, due to a rather Phoenix Wright kind of case.
And whilst I had my doubts in regards to the accusations targeted towards you (partly due to a falling out with Fales Start's author, due to things that seemed rather unhealthy, or even a bit petty, therefore kind of giving me grounds to take your side), considering the shady, two-faced behaviour of one of the authors you've recently endorsed, to a grand chunk of his readers, which so happen to be a part of some affected/marginalized groups, it probably would be wise to crack down on the antics, before you have another incident, like the one with False Start's author, and basically end up further crippling your business, and having your reputation smeared by those, with much, much worse intentions than the likes of me, if they pick up on the info.
Well, it seems like the events in the years afterwards, have forced you to basically retract on the False Start thing, due to a rather Phoenix Wright kind of case.
And whilst I had my doubts in regards to the accusations targeted towards you (partly due to a falling out with Fales Start's author, due to things that seemed rather unhealthy, or even a bit petty, therefore kind of giving me grounds to take your side), considering the shady, two-faced behaviour of one of the authors you've recently endorsed, to a grand chunk of his readers, which so happen to be a part of some affected/marginalized groups, it probably would be wise to crack down on the antics, before you have another incident, like the one with False Start's author, and basically end up further crippling your business, and having your reputation smeared by those, with much, much worse intentions than the likes of me, if they pick up on the info.